The world
A Look Inside the City of Water and Glass

Old rork
One of the most affluent neighborhoods in the City. It is also the highest. Residents can see the spires and domes of City Centre from any number of ornate balconies that decorate the grand homes here, and if you're lucky enough to live on Andler Hill, you can see all the way to the lagoon itself. Ancient oaks line the main throughway, descended from the same trees that predated the founding of the City. The Scholars used to reside in Rork, but their towers are mostly gone now.

city centre
Just north of the River Morca, all manner of services can be found here. One can hop a river ferry into the lagoon or countryside; stroll along the quayside park; or enjoy a pop-up street performance. The Authority keeps a watchful eye from its governmental palace, just across from the always popular Azure fountain, where young poets and artists frequently gather.

palace of stars
Located on the far eastern edge of the City. It is the former seat of the Regime of Man, who ruled the region for almost 600 years. The Authority runs things now, but the Palace sits empty near the border of Sorn Rue. Its fabled gardens are still maintained, however, and many citizens come to play games at the heavy stone tables. Be warned: Picking one of the former Regime’s thorned roses is strictly off-limits.

Southend is the largest and oldest district. No one knows exactly where it begins or ends, as it stretches into the Marsh and far beyond the original city walls. There are no maps once you pass the jurisdiction of the Southend Authority, and the place is known only as After Southend. It is a string of shanty towns that have grown, died, and grown again, over the course of millennia.

Of Stardust and Light. A former barrack and gatehouse resting just off a nameless canal. It is now a hangout spot for musicians, young adventurers and outcasts. You will probably need an invitation to know it exists, and an escort to find it.

odd viddry
Just west of City Centre. The zoo is here, as is the Odd Viddry Bell Tower. Its chimes keep visitors to City Centre punctual. Cafes and shops line Viddry Park, where all manner of treats and goods can be found - popular with the children of Rork.